
A Culinary Philosophy

Thai Holic is a throwback to old world ideals and a different, slower way of living. To us, the kitchen is a holy place and meals are about enjoying the food as well as the camaraderie around the table.

Local Flavors & Seasonings

Adjusting our menu to suit the seasons, we follow nature and how its bounty is intended. This ensures the culinary creations you order and we prepare are made with the freshest and most flavorful ingredients.

Meet our Kitchen Staff

Keng. SExecutive Chef
Nanthawat. TSous Chef
Heron. HChef
Suradech. KChef
Palm. TChef
Noy. MCurry Master
Natrada. KAppetizer
Piraporn. RAppetizer

We are Thai Holic

Thai Holic is a Thai restaurant located at 372 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205.

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